
Rochelle is well known as Cheli or the person with an introvert personality. She is a Letran grade school and high school alumna. She's currently taking up Bachelor of Science in AgEconomics at the University of the Philippines - Los Baños. She may look conceited and controlled but is really such a sensitive soul. She is very laid-back. Her sincere interest to learn and openness to try out new things has bailed her out from the confinement of innocence. She is sometimes socially awkward with a self-deprecating sense of humor. She is accepted as being super quiet and the typical pa-smile-smile lang kind of person. She wants to travel the world someday. She believes that being optimistic and grateful can drive you towards your dreams. She considers herself a wanderer who ceaselessly walking in the world of uncertainties. Being the eldest of three children, she visions nothing but a happy life for her family who serves as her source of constant support in all spheres of her existence. She believes that God continuously proves that people will always be learning and can never claim to know it all. She learns most through her scars, pain and downfall as she stumbles through life. She may not be the smartest, the richest, the most famous or the most beautiful girl but she likes to think that she has a substance at least. That’s the rarity that is Rochelle.

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